Friday, July 27, 2007

Welcome to my Socialist nightmare

Good evening,
I would like to communicate with Conservatives throughout this country who are as frustrated as I am. I am old enough to have volunteered for Barry Goldwater when he ran against Lyndon Johnson. I am, now, seriously concerned that the Conservatism we embraced, cherished, and diligently practiced back then has nearly disappeared. Where we should expect to find it, the Conservative talk-shows, the Congress, and some periodicals, we cannot.
Six years ago, as I observed the reaction of the Left to Mr. Bush's election, I detrermined that those who had been my "Liberal friends" were now my "Socialist acquaintances", and I told many just that. I continue to be amazed that Conservatives seem so willing to overlook the excesses of the Left and still seem to want to get along with those who clearly have to intention of reciprocating. I desperately want to get to these opinion-makers-movers-and-shakers to tell them to forget detente with this enemy. It's time to stand up on our back legs, grow spines, and take back our country.
I look forward, eagerly, to hearing from other Conservatives who share my view. Heck, I'll gladly respond to any of you Socialists who might want to chime in. In fact, you will probably be more entertaining than the Conservatives.
THE GIPPER in all his paleo-conservative glory

1 comment:

John Savage said...

Hello! I just noticed you have a new paleocon blog up. Good to see that. If you're looking for some people to discuss things with, I have a blog with many paleo/traditional conservative discussions and links. We have quite a few commenters who would probably be interested in what you have to say. Stop by sometime!